Caring for Your Pet Rabbit
Preventative care saves money and improves pet comfort for your pet rabbit in Phoenix.
Annual Exam
- Save money and improve pet health
- Form a prevention plan
- Check back teeth for sharp points
- Hay as primary diet (loose or cube)
- Up to 6 months old - alfalfa
- Adults - grass hays (timothy, Bermuda, orchard)
- Treats - A hay-based pellet can be used as a treat for training.
Behavior Training & Play
- Brush Daily, and use a Zoom Groom for excess hair
- Nail trims at least every 3-4 months
Spay or Neuter
- Schedule between 3-4 months of age
- Prevent cancer and expensive health problems
- Happier pets
Senior Screening
- Start at 5 years of age
- Lab tests at an annual exam with 6-month recheck exams
Signs of Serious Illness:
- Less active or weak
- Change in stool size, number, frequency, firmness
- Not eating well
- Breathing hard
- Drooling
Click here for an article about caring for your own "Easter Bunny"
Click here for rabbit and guinea pig breeds.