Surgical Procedures
Providing high-quality surgical care in a stress-free and relaxing environment.
When does surgery become a valid or even the preferred form of treatment? Some surgeries are responses to life-or-death situations. For instance, we might need to un-twist a twisted stomach, extract dangerous swallowed objects or urinary tract blockages, or seal wounds that are causing major blood loss. A pet experiencing difficult labor might need a C-section to save the mother and babies alike. Non-emergency procedures can also be lifesavers, such as surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Still, other surgeries are meant to alleviate pain or improve everyday function. Dental surgery, for example, can remove a painful problem that impairs chewing.
Some surgeries are performed, not to treat problems, but to prevent those problems from ever occurring. Spay and neuter surgery is a perfect example. These forms of sexual sterilization remove the reproductive organs before they can fall prey to deadly, aggressive cancers.
Below are some of the surgical procedures we offer:

Spay & Neuter Procedures
Help your pet live a long, healthy life.
Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery
Surgery on eyes, ears, and other soft tissue areas.