Bathing & Grooming
Help your pet look and feel great.
We offer gentle cleansing baths, therapeutic bathing, and blow drying to both cats and dogs. Our services are intended for comfort care. We do not have a licensed groomer on staff for specialized styling.
Additional services include:
- Nail Trimming
- Comb-outs
- Brushing
- Mat Shaving
- Lion Cuts
- Hygiene Clips
- Anal Gland Expression
- Sedated Grooming
Grooming patients must be current patients at North Central Animal Hospital, current on physical exams, vaccines, and intestinal parasite control, and in good general health.
Please thoroughly discuss your pet’s grooming needs with our receptionist so she may properly schedule your appointment.
All debilitated pets must have grooming coordinated through one of our doctors to ensure their safety and comfort of the pet.
If sedation is required for grooming, such as with some cats for a lion cut, the appointment must be coordinated through one of our doctors, who will examine the pet, and administer and monitor the sedation.
Call us at (602) 395-9773 to book your pet’s grooming appointment. You won’t be disappointed, we promise.